Thinking about having a baby?? Don't get trapped, GET A PET INSTEAD!
Let me start off by stating, I absolutely LOVE KIDS!
Even though "making a baby" is easy to do, raising a child is not. Children are a huge responsibilty and an even greater expense, and I cant understand why people are bringing children into the world so carelessly... I cant understand why women go into a temporary relationship and then leave with A WHOLE ENTIRE PERMANENT BABY!! I know and meet a plenty of SINGLE parents who say things like, "DONT EVER HAVE KIDS!" and " I wish I could have this/these same child/children, just at a later time/ with a different person." I'm always sure to ask people why it is they decided to have/keep a child and the answers vary per individual:
"One too many abortions"
"I/WE were in love"
"I dont believe in abortions"
"I wanted some one to love me unconditionally"
"It was an accident."
"Ive lived my life I'm ready for a baby now."
These are the most common responses, although there are many other reasons and it
makes me wonder if more of those fake "take home babies" should've been handed out in middle and high school! (lol) Although no one was honest enough to admit that they had a child with a person because they wanted to KEEP SOMEONE in their lives FOREVER aka "TRAPPING", it didn't have to be said because based on their long drawn out explanations of why they thought having a baby was the best thing to do at the time, it was UNDERSTOOD! I wonder how it feels to know someone is dealing with you because they HAVE TO...
To address the whole abortion excuse, I'd like to point out that abortion shouldn't be used as your primary method of birth control! Fortunately, I've never had to have one but if my other contraceptives (condom+ pill) fail me, abortion is definitely my NEXT move. I'm not sure how many abortions qualify as too many, but I'm sure if I had one, I would try not to put myself in a position to have another. With such easy access to contraceptives, why would I or anyone for that matter?
How many people have you dated/talked to/ dealt with, and thought you were in love with? Now think about having a child with each of those people... sounds crazy to me. Being in love, especially out of marriage/wanting someone to love you unconditionally are two of the most immature reasons to create a life. People in love do crazy things, and obviously that includes having a baby! How is it that you put such demanding expectations on a person that DID NOT ASK TO BE HERE, yet you're already demanding something from it?
SERIOIUSLY!!!!! What makes y'all have a child with a man that already has a them?? I would think the kids/babymomma's are the reason he decide to move on... obviously "he ain't bout that life". I don't date men with kids but if I did, I'd know that me not having one with him puts me at a huge advantage over his "baby momma" ... he's HAVE to deal with her, but would choose to deal with me because he wants to! Why would y'all want to be on a list? That would make me feel the opposite of special.
PSA To MEN!!!:
If you have a crazy "baby momma", its because that is where you planted your seed. How many men have a child because the person you were having sex with wanted to keep it?!?! You'd be shocked at how many women get knocked up outside of a committed relationship and KEEP THE BABY, PROTECT YOURSELVES! How would it make you feel as man to have to take on a responsibility or neglect a responsibility you never wanted to have? Did you take all of the necessary precautions on your end to prevent pregnancy?
If precautions were taken, and somehow pregnancy occurred, is it wrong for a man to neglect his unwanted responsibility? These are things men should think about before you go poking around without using protection, you may end up trapping yourselves.
I know for a fact that there are some circumstances where it is the man that "TRAPPED" the female. To some men, having a baby with a women is "marking their territory". Those are the men that are usually gone within the first year of the baby being born!
I can't even fathom someone bailing on me within the first year of a LIFETIME job! There are so many women who fall into that trap because they were so blind and "in love". These are the women who have sex with their "baby daddy" randomly over the course of years out familiarity or the thought that they may actually reconnect because the share a "bond" aka offspring.
I wouldn't DARE put myself in a situation where I have to deal with someone who abandoned ME and/or MY CHILD. I wouldn't dare give someone the impression that I could ever be an OPTION to them after having made such a major commitment and sacrifice of creating a life with them.
Be realistic about your plans to conceive a child. Your biological clock is irrelevant in your 20's, it shouldn't be a topic of discussion or an area of concern. Ask yourself if you're ready to give up certain luxuries in your life. Do you have enough money saved? Is your partner prepared? Do you have a partner that is prepared to do everything that you're willing to do? Do you have money saved? Have you accomplished all the things you want in life? Are you ready to do ALL THAT IT TAKES to love, support, and raise a person who NEVER ASKED TO BE HERE?
Although I believe you should be married before children, I do understand that life happens, however I would think that being a single parent with one child would prevent you from having A SECOND CHILD WITH OUT A HUSBAND.
Having a baby at the wrong time of your life can greatly change things for anyone, even a married couple. I just wanted to briefly share my thoughts on the subject and I encourage everyone to use better judgment, appreciate themselves/ their lives/ bodies more. Parents are supposed to guide you through life and help make it easier, so why wouldn't you make all the necessary arrangements to give your child the best life it could have?
I choose to wait and until then its just me and my BITCH!
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